The Brass Band

What is a Brass Band?

The ensembles of the NWMPCA are British-style Brass Bands consisting of brass players plus percussion.  The modern form of the brass band dates back to the 19th century in the United Kingdom and Canada and has evolved into a highly sophisticated ensemble with a distinctive sound that is extremely rich and deep with a large range of colour and timbre. Our bands have a military tradition and also perform on the march.  Instrumentation in a traditional British-style Brass Band is restricted to cornets, flugelhorn, tenor horns, baritones, euphoniums, trombones, tubas and percussionists but not trumpets or french horns as they are orchestral or concert band instruments.

However, we accept trumpet and french horn players as we are growing and you can always switch to a cornet or Eb horn later using the same mouthpiece if you choose.  There are no woodwind instruments, (Flutes, clarinets, oboes, saxophones) and of course, it goes without saying…no strings attached!  If you are a player of a woodwind or stringed instrument and would like to learn brass or percussion, let us know.

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One of our combos playing The Battle Cry of Freedom at Fort Macleod



Contact:  Dave Watkins, President at 403-701-5746 from 4-7 pm daily

Email:  dave at

There are no auditions and each band is a training/working band.  We will determine which band you will best fit by your playing skill after a few rehearsals.  Please note, that youth may play in the brass band provided that they have the skills to handle the music.


Visit our Rehearsal:  Sunday Afternoons  2:00-4:30 pm  at The Phoenix Foundation School -320 19 St SE, Calgary, AB T2E 6J6

Our rehearsals commence Sunday, February 9, 2020.  Rehearsals will run every Sunday unless there is a troop event on that day.

For the Brass Band  – Age 16 and up

  • minimum of 2 Years musical training on a brass or percussion instrument (you should be able to read music and play with confidence) (new or renewed players welcome)
  • We are seeking musicians for all positions (Trumpet/Cornet, Eb Horn, F Horn, Trombone, Euphonium, Baritone and Tuba and Drummers)
  • Music, accoutrements, uniforms, Tubas and percussion instruments will be provided.
  • Be willing to purchase your own boots (through associations sources)
  • Be willing to join the NWMPCA as a member and participate in our events either as a band member or troop member when called upon to do so and uphold the standards as set by the NWMPCA.
  • Adult Fee  $30.00 per year
  • Family  Fee $60.00 per year

For the Youth Brass –  Ages 14-24 

  • Be at least 14 years of age (younger is possible with parent membership) and up to 24 years of age
  • Have an interest in learning and playing a brass instrument or drums (includes marching snare, bass, tenor and cymbals). All levels welcome.
  • All tubas, drums and uniforms except boots are provided.  We will provide information about what boots to purchase at a very reasonable price.
  • Youth may perform with the Brass Band as their level and skill improves.
  • Youth may be eligible to receive a scholarship from the NWMPCA after one season with us and every season thereafter they play with the band.
  • Family Fee  $60.00 year.
  • Age 18-24 $30.00 per year single membership as above.

The instructors of the Youth Brass are all adult members of the Brass Band and have extensive musical backgrounds and experience.

The Northwest Mounted Police Commemorative Association is a volunteer organization committed to public education and to preserve the traditions and history of Canada’s first federal Police force as formed in 1873. We regularly participate in events at local historical sites throughout the year.  Our band program is dedicated to the love of music, history and the traditions of the NWMP.  


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